Larson Financial

Challenge: Brand a start-up company and create a product that would serve as a call-to-action.

Client Challenge
Larson Financial is a financial services tax resolution company that helps people resolve tax liabilities and negotiate fair settlements with the IRS. They were a start-up and needed a brand identity, web site and great ideas for products that would boost customer acquisition by introducing them to the company and leading them to commit to their services.

Our Marketing Solution
We developed a highly professional brand identity on par with much larger competitors. We also came up the the idea of the Tax AdvoKIT, a DIY tax resolution kit designed to contact Larson for full-service assistance.

  • Brand identity with an authoritative financial services aesthetic.

  • Stationery package design and other branded materials.

  • Website development and SEO.

  • Brochures and printed collateral.

  • Tax AdvoKIT product concept and packaging design.

The client felt that their brand identity conveyed the credibility they needed to convey. Tax AdvoKIT generated leads!

  • New customer acquisition exceeded their first year goal by 13%.

  • Company had a successful go-to-market launch.

  • Website converted a high percent of visitors to leads in the first year.

  • The Tax AdvoKIT product sold out, and also boosted customer acquisition.

  • Brand identity lauded by company stakeholders.