Youth Mentoring Collaborative

Challenge: Get 1,000 People to Apply to Become Youth Mentors by launching and promoting the Metro Mentor Challenge.

Client Challenge
The Youth Mentoring Collaborative (YMC) is comprised of 22 nonprofit, public and private organizations that joined in a cause: To match more mentors with more youth. The collaborative needed a brand and a plan to launch the Metro Mentor Challenge to educate the public about the benefits of mentoring and to recruit 1,000 adults to apply to become mentors.

Our Marketing Solutions
We created a comprehensive marketing plan, branded the YMC and the Metro Mentor Challenge, and then executed an integrated marketing, advertising and PR program:

  • Marketing plan development.

  • Brand strategy and message platform.

  • Logo design for YMC and the Metro Mentor Challenge.

  • Print and radio ad creative production, media buying and placement.

  • PR campaign, featuring a big event attended by the mayor and celebrities.

  • Vehicle wrap design for service vehicles.

  • Brochures, flyers and other collateral.

Our launch of the Youth Mentoring Collaborative and its Metro Mentor Challenge was highly effective, exceeding the 1,000 mentor applicant goal.

  • Successfully recruited over 1,000 mentor applicants, exceeding the goal.

  • Increased mentor recruits by 25% over past years.

  • Generated 20+ positive press hits due to excellent public relations.

  • Generated strong public awareness about the Metro Mentor Challenge.

  • Supported and lauded by the Denver Mayor and City Government.